
  • “I’ve been able to find my confidence and my identity as an artist. I’ve expanded my vocal range and after just a couple of hours could hear the improvement.” - LEAH

  • “Such a wealth of knowledge. Jen really takes the time to get to know you as an artist, and mentors you so you are confident. Her passion shines through!” – ZOBIA

  • “I never thought I would have enough strength to be the musician I wanted to be. Now I have recorded two albums and play regular shows around London. Jen was an integral part of me reaching my goals. – LUX

  • “I came with a singing voice I didn’t understand and a dwindling concept of my artistic direction as a performer. My singing voice has developed dramatically and I’ve solidified my artistic vision. ” – BRAD

  • “I’ve achieve things I didn’t know I could” – PARRY

  • “Extremely passionate, incredible teacher and person.” – EDEE

  • “Totally changed the way I sing” - ABRIL

  • “I had lost all my confidence. I now earn a living as a singer.’ - MAZ

  • “I can’t express a deeper gratitude for Jen’s intuitive and exciting method of teaching. My singing voice, confidence and artistic dynamism have all flourished so abundantly under her teaching.” – GEOFF

  • “Jen and her work changed my life. She helped me to become the confident person I am today. She transformed my voice! She is 110% interested in her students. When I first came to Jenny I was a nervous and weak NOW I have a huge voice, lots of confidence and the freedom to sing. She also helped me become a MUSICIAN!” - CARMEN

  • “Jen opens up a space for true exploration and discovery. She allows for so much agency and ownership. Not like any other work I’ve done, but so perfect and needed. It’s been a great way for me to gain confidence in my singing voice. Every session I gain new knowledge and confidence in my voice. - TOM

  • “When I first went to see Jen I had never sung in front of anyone other than family. Jen has helped me become more confident in exploring my voice and healthily channelling my emotions into my singing. Jen has a deep underlying, extremely impressive, level of technical knowledge. She demonstrates a fantastic level of empathy in each class which evokes in you an ability to have complete freedom of expression - pivotal to developing your unique creativity.” - LINA

Would you like to free your voice?
Reach out and say hi!