Jen May Jen May


Welcome to the World of Expressive Voicework™ - Your Journey to Creative Freedom! My name’s Jen and I’m the creator of Expressive Voicework™. My passion is supporting individuals like you in liberating your singing voice, innate artistry, and musicality, encouraging you to tap into your unique creative current.

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Jen May Jen May

“To be an artist is to believe in life,”Henry Moore

The renowned sculptor Henry Moore once said, "To be an artist is to believe in life." Some might feel uncertain about identifying themselves as 'artists,' but I find it to be an all-embracing term that carries universal resonance while celebrating unique perspectives.

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Jen May Jen May

A Musical Journey

Music has been an integral part of my existence from as far back as I can remember. As an introverted child, I often found solace and a sense of belonging in the keys of my old piano and the melodies that flowed from my lips.

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Jen May Jen May

Sing out your soul

Your life is precious. It should be valued and celebrated. Your voice, your songs, your art are the echoes of your wonderful life. So let's fully enjoy life. How? When I feel so exposed, so unprepared?

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Jen May Jen May

Commit to yourself

When we talk about the interplay of freedom and discipline, and the importance of committing to 'the work', we're really diving into the heart of Expressive Voicework.

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Jen May Jen May

Find your voice

Singers have an array of sounds to choice from in their voice; to voice their emotions. All of these sounds are available to ALL VOICES with a bit of practice.

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Jen May Jen May

Taking care of your voice

In conjunction with honing your vocal technique (both through professional instruction and independent practice), it's critical to also keep an eye on the overall wellbeing of your vocal folds.

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Jen May Jen May

Adding your personality to a song

As a vocalist, making a piece distinctly yours is of vital importance. It enables you to deliver the piece in a way that is uniquely your own, fostering a genuine connection with your audience.

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