“To be an artist is to believe in life,”Henry Moore

The renowned sculptor Henry Moore once said, "To be an artist is to believe in life." Some might feel uncertain about identifying themselves as 'artists,' but I find it to be an all-embracing term that carries universal resonance while celebrating unique perspectives.

In my perspective, an 'artist' is an individual born with a specific soulful disposition. Irrespective of their creations, artists have a natural propensity towards connection, towards expression. This is an enriching, albeit sometimes challenging, mindset to embrace.

While 'artist' is a broad term accommodating a diverse group of individuals, I've noticed certain common traits among them. These include heightened sensitivity, empathy, an intrinsic need to decipher the world, and a tendency to question extensively – including their self-identity. These traits, though challenging, are what I aim to nurture and support as a coach.

The role of an 'artist' in society is as indispensable as any other - be it a teacher, a baker, or a candlestick maker. Artists distill the human experience into expressive forms. They reassure us of our shared humanity, celebrate our lives, and remind us of our collective journey. Even if their creative endeavor is a personal one, it can be deeply therapeutic and self-affirming.

Feel Supported in Your Creative Journey

Occasionally, people may feel undeserving of engaging in creative activities. They may think they lack the necessary skills or it's too late to start. Others might abandon their creative callings if they don't achieve 'success,' often based on societal norms. However, a piece of their spirit fades when they sever ties with this innate drive.

If you feel a tug towards creativity, I urge you to respond to this call. Embrace the unknown and see where your creativity leads you. Life, like art, is a beautiful mystery; we follow our hearts and see what unfolds.

Please feel free to reach out and engage in a conversation about your artistic journey. As author Julia Cameron insightfully remarked, "Our creative dreams and longings come from a divine source, not from the human ego." Allow yourself the freedom to explore these dreams and express your unique creativity, for the world is richer with every voice it hears.

Jen May

Jen May, vocal coach and singing teacher, is the founder of ExpressiveVoiceWork® With over 25 years of experience specialising in singing, songwriting, and artistic expression, she holds a BA(Hons)Music and multiple voice and voice training diplomas. Her clients range from award-winning artists (including Brit, Kerrang, and NME award winners) to passionate beginners.




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